Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Feeling a bit under the weather.

Well folks it’s been a slow blog week because I’ve been feeling a bit ill. So just an update on this past Saturday’s Greek wedding, well it rained. But I have to hand it to the wedding couple they were in great spirits and the pictures turned out awesome. I have yet to go through and edit them, but I would like to post one of my favorites thus far. I like this picture so much that I decided to make it my home page image at Photography By Christos

As for Sunday well I had the day off so it was a perfect time to take my oldest son to see the Disney movie Cars. The movie was great, I think I enjoyed the movie more then my son. I will be posting more updates soon. So I will see you all then.

Photography By Christos

Friday, June 23, 2006

Wow talk about a wedding dress

I can’t get enough of this. You have to check out the below link, to sum it all up.

It cost 25,000 pounds, about $45,510 wow
Weighs oh 25 stone, what are those Brits thinking actually its 350lbs for the rest of us…
It’s 8 feet wide
The train is 60 feet long
The tulle is 30 layers deep
It has 3,000 Swarovski crystals
And it took 9.5 hours to get into.

Hmmmm I’m sure there is a priceless joke in here.,,2-2006280830,,00.html

Photo Cart by Pictures Pro

I'm often asked by other photographers how I like Photo Cart by Pictures Pro. Well I can't say enough good things about it.

For those that don't know Photo Cart is an online ordefulfillmentnt for professional photographers that runs on your own website.

It simply is the best product in its class, so if you don't actually mind handling the print orders yourself Photo Cart is the answer for you as well.

Think of it like this, look at all the money you will be saving by not using those other sites that charge upload fees, high commissions and all that other stuff that comes out of your pocket. So visit Pictures Pro and try out the demo version of Photo Cart. And then when you are ready to order give Tim a call and tell him Christos sent ya.


Thursday, June 22, 2006

A June Greek Bride

Ok it's time I get this blog going so let me introduce you to one of my June Greek brides.

Ria and Vin congratulations.

Photography By Christos